This content of this site is still in development.


Table of WYSIWYG Icons and their meanings
SymbolFunctionAdditional Information
Custom CharacterInsert a Custom CharacterFor more information, please see Inserting a Custom Character
boldBoldHotkey: Ctrl + B
italicsItalicsHotkey: Ctrl + I
underlineUnderlineHotkey: Ctrl + U
align leftAlign left
align centerAlign center
right alignAlign right
align fullAlign full (Justify)
stylesStylesThis is an important aspect of the HTML source code. All content must be styled properly.
formatHeading, paragraph formatsThis is an important aspect of the HTML source code. All content must be formatted correctly.
paste from wordPaste from Microsoft Word®For more information, please see Paste from Word
find/replaceFind/ReplaceFor more information, please see Find and Replace
spell checkToggle spellchecker/Language selectorspell check
unordered listUnordered lists/Bullets
ordered listOrdered/numbered lists
outdentOutdent (reduce the indent)
insert linkInsert/Edit link
anchorInsert/Edit anchor
Insert/Edit ImageInsert/Edit image
Horizontal RuleHorizontal ruleAdds a horizontal line into the content. Takes in height, width, and size dimensions. 
Insert a new tableInserts a new table
Cleanup Messy CodeCleanup messy code
Remove formattingRemove formatting
HTMLEdit HTML source
Toggle guidelines/Invisible elementsToggle guidelines/Invisible elemtns
Full screenToggle fullscreen modeExpands the WYSIWYG to the full pane.